A web3-powered coffee brand merging the flavors of delicious coffee blends with the Star Atlas universe. Embark on your cosmic journey with a premium roast fueling your Star Atlas adventure.


ALKEMO; a production group comprising of three creative members. The group is responsible for founding the Australian company Dark Core Roasters Pty Ltd.


Aaron Luckenbach, aka Atlas Theory, is a content creator, writer, and actor with a passion for exploring new forms of storytelling. With a formal training in acting for the screen from Colorado Film School, Aaron has honed his craft in bringing characters to life on both stage and screen. He is credited as the first star atlas content creator and has worked with other innovative web3 brands. Aaron is deeply interested in the intersection of acting and the meta verse and is excited to explore the limitless potential of this new frontier of storytelling.


SAMUEL RODDA, aka Chouta: a dynamic blend of professionalism and playful creativity.

A mechanical engineer and live production technician by training who embraces cutting-edge tools as a thrilling opportunity to tell immersive stories and craft adventure fueled experiences.


Joe Firley, aka Arktype, a creative innovator who juggles his jobs as a designer, artist, and content developer with ease. His unquenchable desire to create masterpieces is visible in a variety of media, including hand-drawn graphics and artwork as well as immersive multimedia experiences.

Arktype is a seasoned professional who has been at the forefront of the technological revolution, observing directly the debates and enthusiasm around Ai generative art. He has embraced these changes, adding Ai generated art as an invaluable addition to his already impressive repertoire.

Arktype currently collaborates with the musical and storytelling masters Chouta and Atlas Theory as a proud member of the Alkemo team. Together, this dynamic group weaves captivating visual narratives that keep you utterly enthralled.


Dark Core Roasters is inspired by Star Atlas. STAR ATLAS and STAR ATLAS: POWERED BY THE PEOPLE are trademarks or registered trademarks of ATMTA, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere.